Cutter: "Forge, get out there and get those things off my ship!".That alien life form followed us in, we have a significant infestation on the aft quarter." Serina: "Best guess, we're being pulled through some sort of docking system.The UNSC forces eliminate a few approaching infection forms. Flood dispersal pods start dropping everywhere, one of them hits one of the Sentinels. Two Sentinels fly towards where the Spartans, Forge, and some Marines fight off Flood. Captain James Gregory Cutter: "Serina, report! What's going on here?".The ship continues to fly through what appears to be a massive underground Forerunner structure. Serina: "This is all part of the plan.One flies in front of the bridge and observes Captain Cutter before flying off. Aggressor Sentinels continue to fly around the Spirit of Fire. The Spirit of Fire activates its headlights as the split behind it closes. The UNSC Spirit of Fire is seen going through the split in the ocean. After a struggle, the Spirit of Fire's forces manage to clear the hull and the ship makes it through the entrance portal. In order to pass through the docking rings, Sergeant John Forge and the Spirit of Fire's crew work to cleanse the ship's hull of the Flood while avoiding the Sentinels and cleansing ring sent by the installation's AI. Soon into the journey, the Flood are detected on the ship's outer hull. The UNSC Spirit of Fire enters the entrance portal to interior Dyson sphere of Trove, surrounded by Aggressor Sentinels.