If you do, Guybrush will say "Wow, cool! A 4DFX Voodoo6 6000 mask! Cutting edge voodoo technology!" This is an obvious reference to to 3DFX's old line of video cards as luck would have it, the Voodoo5 would wind up being their very last video card, and they'd fold barely a month after the game was released.

The grand finale almost makes up for it though. Disappointing Last Level: The player is stranded on Monkey Island for the last third (almost half) of the game to fight an annoying rock-paper-scissors style fighting minigame and have tons of exposition and retcons dumped into his/her lap.Fans, on the other hand, near-unanimously consider this the worst game in the series by no small margin, no thanks to the unorthodox control scheme, poorly aged visuals, the retcon dump, and Monkey Kombat. Critical Dissonance: The game did positively with the critics, even outscoring the following installment.Honestly, were any players at all surprised at his real identity? Charles" is an extremely transparent pseudonym.

But conversely a lot of people grew up with this (and possibly Curse) as the only Monkey Island games they knew and so recall it fondly. Older fans treats this game with disdain due to the dated graphics, awkward controls, retcons and frequent bugs (in the PC version at least).